Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Another mystery solved!

There has been some debate over the years regarding the gender of the Waterbearer and through a sheer stroke of luck I believe I've found the answer. After many hours of internet research I was about to give up when for some reason I thought to check under the meaning of birth names. A reverse search led me to discover that Dalila is a female name meaning "waterbearer".

So, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, let me introduce you formally to Dalila. For the record, it was also my grandmother's middle name, which I think is pretty cool.

The cleaning process continued this week and I managed to finish all of the broken bits and pieces in preparation for mold making:

The water pitcher has some really great detail.

Dalila got a pedicure!

Top view.

I gave her a manicure too, while I was at it.

With all of the pieces out of the way my concentration is now on finishing off her legs and torso. I'm hoping to have Phase I completed by next week. Stay tuned!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

A visit to the old reservoir

Last week I went to the old reservoir at Clay and 5th street to assess the Waterbearer's base that still sits there. Also cast from zinc, the base is still in good condition but will need to eventually be removed and stored or covered to preserve it. I took a few photos to share as I crawled around and investigated:

One of the bolts that once secured the statue.

A remaining piece of her base.

Front view. Very nice detailing.

Back view. Note the access door for maintenance. 

The cleaning process continues in the shop and I'll be back with more photos to share soon.